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Water Vole

Arvicola Amphibius

February Mammal

©Peter Trimming


Water Voles are charismatic burrowing rodents that live by unpolluted rivers. They are elusive and are usually seen swimming in water.


Water voles were hard hit by the introduction of non-native American Mink to the area. Mink were the perfect water vole hunters, as they could swim as well as run in tunnels. However, the eradication of Mink from the Bourne Brook (And many other waterways) meant that Water Vole numbers have rebounded.


At present, you need some luck to see Water Voles. However, the best place in Cambridge to see them is undoubtedly the Cherry Hinton Brook from Giant's Grave (It's source) to the Coldham's Common area. However, there is also a healthy population in Logan's Meadow LNR.


However, the Water Vole's future is still held in check, as water pollution from the planned Honey Hill Sewage Plant could destroy the population downstream of Cambridge 

Water Vole: Meet the Team

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